How Long Does THC Stay in Your Hair? You’ve Asked, We’ve Answered!

The 411 on Detection Time: How Long Does THC Stay in Your Hair?

How long does THC stay in your hair and what are the key factors that can influence the detection time? 

This guide breaks it all down! 

We’ve discussed the lifespan of THC in hair follicles, how your body metabolizes cannabis, the various detection methods, and more. 

By the end of this guide, you’ll know the answer to “how fast does weed get out of your system?”, especially when it comes to hair follicles.

Read on, get an MMJ card, and enjoy the medical benefits of cannabis safely!

Previously, we’ve discussed how long marijuana stays in the urine, and now it’s time to take a look at hair follicles!

Benefits for Qualifying Patients and the MMJ Card

Previously, we’ve discussed how long marijuana stays in the urine, and now it’s time to take a look at hair follicles!

Before answering “how long does THC stay in your hair?”, it’s important to discuss the medical effects of high-quality marijuana. 

Why should you opt for medical cannabis treatment anyway?

Well, high-quality medical cannabis can help with:

  • Pain management: Pain relief is one of the most well-documented benefits of using medical-grade cannabis. 

Marijuana is especially helpful in managing chronic pain, a common issue affecting millions of patients. 

Unlike opioids and harsh medicines, medical cannabis is a safe and more natural way of treating pain.

  • Mental health and neurological disorders: Medical marijuana can also help treat multiple sclerosis (MS), PTSD, and epilepsy.
  • Cancer-related symptoms: Currently, researchers are still looking into the benefits of medical cannabis for cancer. 

What we know for now is that medical weed can help patients undergoing chemotherapy. 

Weed can help boost appetite levels and reduce nausea, vomiting, and other side effects of chemo.

  • Gastrointestinal disorders: Medical cannabis can help patients with IBS or irritable bowel sydrome and Crohn’s disease. 

It can help reduce the inflammation in the patient’s gastrointestinal tract, aiding in diarrhea, weight loss, and abdominal pain.

  • Chronic diseases: Medical weed can help patients dealing with chronic illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and rheumatoid arthritis. 

As mentioned before, medical weed can improve appetite, reduce acute and chronic pain, and enhance the life quality of the patient.

  • Insomnia: Medical marijuana can improve sleep quality and help patients get restful sleep. 

People experiencing chronic stress and anxiety will feel calm and relaxed when using medical cannabis.

However, to enjoy the medical benefits of high-quality weed in Utah, you will need to obtain something called “a medical marijuana card” or an “MMJ card”. 

This card is the gateway to quality, safe, and effective medical marijuana in Utah, from the best dispensaries in the state.

If you are curious about how to get an MMJ card or you are still wondering about “how long does THC stay in your hair follicles?”, reach out to our team of experts. 

Don’t wait and book an appointment today to get in touch with highly compassionate Qualified Medical Providers!

Usually, THC can be detected in the hair follicles for  90 days post-consumption. However, the answer to "how long does THC stay in your hair?" is not so straightforward. 

How Long Does THC Stay in Your Hair?

What’s the truth? How long does THC stay in your hair? 

THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana that gives you the feeling of being high, can stay in your hair for a long time. 

Usually, THC can be detected in the hair follicles for  90 days post-consumption. However, the answer to “how long does THC stay in your hair?” is not so straightforward. 

Namely, there are a few factors that can influence the duration of the detection time – you’ll find out more about these later on in the guide.

How Long Does THC Stay in Your Hair Follicles: These Factors Influence Detection Time!

As you’re aware, when it comes to the question “how long does THC stay in your hair follicles?”, the answer is: IT DEPENDS on the influencing factors. 

So, what are these factors?

  • Frequency of cannabis use: The more often a patient uses marijuana, the longer THC is likely to be detectable in the hair follicles. 

For example, regular cannabis users can have a more prolonged detection window compared to occasional weed users.

  • Potency and dosage: Have you smoked a high-potency strain or a low-potency one? What was the dosage like? 

All of these can influence the answer to “how long does THC stay in your hair?”. 

High-potency cannabis strains and increased doses lead to more tetrahydrocannabinol being deposited in your hair. On the flip side, lower dosages possibly lead to shorter detection times.

  • Your metabolism: Another crucial factor in “how long does THC stay in your hair?” is the metabolic rate of the person. 

People with fast metabolisms can process tetrahydrocannabinol more rapidly.

  • Hair color and type: Did you know that the answer to “how long does THC stay in your hair follicles?” also has to do with the color of your locks? 

For example, darker hair has the tendency to bind more to tetrahydrocannabinol due to the increased melanin content.

  • Hair care and personal hygiene: Moreover, some hair care products and self-care habits can affect the retention of tetrahydrocannabinol in the fibers of the hair.
  • Time since you used weed: How fast does weed get out of your system? Well, when was the last time you smoked cannabis? 

Usually, hair grows at a rate of approximately 0.5 inches monthly – on average, drug tests examine the most recent 1.5 inches of hair.

  • Environmental factors: Last but not least, passive cannabis smoking (being around someone smoking marijuana) can also influence how long THC stays in your hair.

How long does THC stay in your hair? 

It depends on the circumstances and the factors mentioned above. 

For more expert help, consult with experts. 

Reach out to the most trusted medical professionals! 

Whether you need help with anything cannabis-related or you need assistance in applying for an MMJ card, schedule an appointment with a Qualified Medical Provider!

How Your Body Metabolizes Weed: Bet You Didn’t Know This!

How long does THC stay in your hair? 

It can stay for a long time, depending on factors such as your metabolism. 

Speaking of which, how does your body metabolize cannabis? 

This is what you need to know, especially when it comes to smoking cannabis and consuming marijuana edibles.

Metabolism of Inhaled Cannabis (Dry Flowers)

When you inhale cannabis, the THC enters your lungs. This way, the THC is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. 

As a result, the effects of smoking marijuana are also instant. 

From the bloodstream, the tetrahydrocannabinol is transported to your brain and other organs. In just a few minutes, you will feel the effects of cannabis.

Your liver will metabolize tetrahydrocannabinol into a few components – 11-hydroxy-THC is the primary metabolite involved. 

The euphoric high of inhaled cannabis typically lasts for a few hours.

Metabolism of Marijuana Edibles

How long do THC edibles stay in your hair? 

Let’s take a quick look at how your body metabolizes cannabis edibles such as gummies and chocolates. 

With marijuana edibles, the process is less predictable and more prolonged. 

Namely, when you consume edibles, they pass via your digestive system.

Then, the tetrahydrocannabinol is absorbed in your intestines and then transported to the liver for metabolization. 

From there, the liver converts THC into 11-hydroxy-THC. You will experience more intense and durable effects.

However, because of the entire conversion process, the onset of the cannabis effects is slower than when you smoke weed. 

Often, you will need to wait for at least 30 minutes to feel the high associated with cannabis. 

Nevertheless, the effects of marijuana edibles last longer than inhaled weed! Some people claim that the residual effects of cannabis edibles are still present the next morning post-use.

With all of that in mind, how long does THC from edibles stay in your hair? 

The truth is that the time frame is the same as if you vape or smoke cannabis. Once tetrahydrocannabinol enters the system (regardless of how it got there), it can end up in your hair.

There are four main types of detection methods when it comes to finding out "how long does THC stay in your hair?".

How Fast Does Weed Get Out of Your System?

There are four main types of detection methods when it comes to finding out “how long does THC stay in your hair?”. These include:

  • Saliva tests: In the saliva, THC is detected around 24 to 72 hours post-use.
  • Blood tests: In the blood, THC is detectable for about one to two days after use. For regular users, THC in the blood can be detected for 25 days.
  • Urine tests: If you use cannabis often, the THC can be detectable in the urine for three days after use. If you are a chronic user, you can see THC in your urine for a month or more!
  • Hair tests: How long does THC stay in your hair follicles? As mentioned, it can be detected for 90 days (sometimes more, sometimes less).

How fast does weed get out of your system? 

The answer is that THC clearance can be influenced by the metabolism, body fat percentage (the higher the percentage, the more likely your body will retain THC for longer), diet and hydration (a healthy diet and proper hydration will speed up the elimination process), and exercise.

THC can stay in your hair for 90 days or three months.


How long does THC stay in your hair?

THC can stay in your hair for 90 days or three months.

How long does THC edibles stay in your hair? 

THC from edibles can stay in the hair equally as long!

How fast does weed get out of your system?

The elimination process of THC can vary depending on personal factors such as metabolism speed, the overall lifestyle of the person, and more.

Reach Out to Experts and Get Access to High-Grade Medical Cannabis

How long does THC stay in your hair follicles? It can stay for three months. However, the answer isn’t as simple. For guidance on obtaining an MMJ card, book an appointment with a Qualified Medical Provider! How long does THC stay in your hair? Find out from the pros!

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